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May 27, 2018

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If Google AdSense advertisements are operating on your articles, chances are you’ll obtain an e mail from Google telling you that the ad items will not be optimized (you are not running enough advertisements, you may wish to attempt completely different sizes, etc.). These emails are ready by Google AdSense’s advertising division, and do not keep in mind the best way HubPages shares impressions and lays out in the news

Make certain to check ‘enable HubPages to contact you’ in order to receive common emails from HubPages, together with the E-newsletter. Warning: don’t try to increase your article’s probabilities of being featured as a Related article by keyword stuffing (that is, inserting an unnaturally excessive variety of key phrases into your work). Not all of the articles in your account will likely be edited at the same time, but you could have multiple article selected over in the news

As soon as they are revealed, articles are submitted to our High quality Assessment Process , which combines both moderator overview and algorithmic analyses to find out whether or not a chunk can be Featured on the site. Sustain with the latest scitech information by way of e mail or social media. HubPages works to limit problematic ad content material on the positioning, but sometimes rogue advertisements might slip in the news

You still retain the rights to your articles after they are edited and editors will not make vital modifications to your content without asking for permission first. We give you an revolutionary platform to share your knowledge in a means that will assist you to build a readership and earn you cash from ads strategically positioned in your articles.